
Contributions > Par intervenant > Deblonde Marian

Responsible research and innovation: building knowledge arenas for glocal sustainability research
Marian Deblonde  1@  
1 : Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek - Unit Sustainable Materials Management  (VITO)  -  Site web
Boeretang 200 2400 Mol -  Belgique

In knowledge economies, the prevailing belief is that research and innovation are crucial for societal progress. The call for ‘responsible' research and innovation is, however, an indication that the link between science and technology on the one hand and societal progress on the other is less unequivocal than many would like to think. This article wonders why the relationship between knowledge economies and ‘responsible' research and innovation is not self-evident. It, consequently, proposes glocal sustainability research (GSR)—and an appropriate process architecture for GSR—as a translation of RRI and it suggests a type of knowledge arena—and some institutional preconditions for its institutionalisation—as a breeding ground for RRI.

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