
Registration > Registration





Additional information

The payment of registration fees may be made via Paypal. Opening an account is both free and easy. The payment may be made using:

  • A classic bank card: in this case it will be necessary to transfer funds to a Paypal account. An E-mail will be sent out 2-3 days later confirming the availability of the given amount in order to carry out the payment. It will thereby be possible to complete the registration process (return to the registration form and make your payment via the previously created Paypal account).
  • A credit card: funds will be transferred immediately and the registration process is automatically completed.

Please note: A bank card may only be used in association with one Paypal account whereas a Paypal account may be used in association with multiple cards.

Paypal offers users the following advantages:

  • A secured payment is made without diffusing encrypted banking data;
  • Refunds possible in case of litigation;
  • The risk of ineffectual payments is reduced.

Payment by bank transfer

  1. Account: BE41 7320 0083 0110 – BIC: CREGBEBB in the name “Congrès développement durable”, with the communication “Name - First name - Inscription CIDD2015”.
  2. Send us proof of payment to the following address: info@congrestransitiondurable.org. This will be necessary in order to validate the registration.

Given the limited number of places, it is highly recommended that the payment be made as soon as possible. If, in the meantime, any given session sells out, we shall take it upon ourselves to assign you to another session taking place at the same time.

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